
(a)A system which the servomotor can rotate one time or more is required.

(b)When a servomotor stops with specified condition enables and rotates to reverse direction one time after proximity dog ON, make a system for which does not turn OFF the external upper/lower stroke limit.

(c)Keep the proximity dog ON during deceleration from the home position return speed to the creep speed.

If the proximity dog turns OFF before deceleration to the creep speed, a deceleration stop is made and the next zero point is set as the home position.

(d)If home position return is executed in the proximity dog ON, it starts with the creep speed.

(e)When home position return retry function is not set, if home position return is executed again after home position return completion, a minor error "home position return completion signal is turning ON at the proximity dog type home position return start" (error code: 115) will occur, the home position return is not executed.

(f)When "1 : Not need to pass motor Z phase after the power supply is switched on" is selected in the "function selection C-4" of servo parameter (expansion setting parameter), even if it does not pass zero point at the servo amplifier power ON, the zero pass signal (M2406+20n) turns ON. This operation is the same as proximity dog type 1.

(g)If in-position signal (M2402+20n) does not turn ON, home position return is not ended.

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