(b)The speed switching and change speed by CHGV instruction are executed toward the same program in the servo program.

The lower of the speed change by CHGV instructions and the command speed in the servo program is selected.

The speed change by CHGV instructions are executed if the speed is lower than the speed set in the servo program; otherwise the CHGV instructions are not executed.

1)Change speed by CHGV instruction > command speed in the servo program

The command speed in the servo program is selected.


Command speed in the servo program

Speed change by CHGV instruction

Speed change to command speed in the servo program


2)Change speed by CHGV instruction < command speed in the servo program

The change speed by CHGV instructions is effective.


Speed change by command speed in the servo program (Speed set by the CHGV instructions is valid)


Speed change by CHGV instructions

(Speed does cot change due to more than command speed in the servo program.)

(5)An overrun occurs if the distance remaining to the final positioning point when the final positioning point is detected is less than the deceleration distance at the positioning speed after the start (command speed).

The error code [211] (overrun error) is stored in the minor error storage register for each axis.

(6)If positioning to outside the stroke limit range is executed after the start, the error code [106] is stored in the minor error storage register for each axis and a deceleration stop is executed.

(7)The minimum travel value between constant-speed control pass points is shown below:

Command speed per second (control unit/s) Main cycle [s] < Travel distance [PLS]

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