AastraLink Pro 160 Administrator Guide
How Do I Obtain the IP Address Assigned to the AastraLink Pro 160?
How Do I Obtain the IP Address Assigned to the AastraLink Pro 160?
You can view the IP Address assigned to the AastraLink Pro 160 using your Aastra IP phone, and the procedure described below.
Step Action
1Press Options key on the phone key pad (or the Options key on the Aastra IP phone models 9143i, 9480i, and 9480i CT) to bring up the Options list.
2Use and
to scroll through the list key to select Phone Status, then press <Show>
3Select AastraLink Info, then press <Show>
4Press the down <Arrow> until the AastraLink IP Address menu appears (see below). In this example, the IP Address of the AastraLink Pro 160 is
AastraLink Pro 160
IP Address
AastraLink Info
Server Local IP:
Write down the IP Address of your AastraLink Pro 160. You need it to access the AastraLink Web UI.
Press <Done> to exit.