Maintaining the AastraLink Pro 160
Updating AastraLink System Software
AastraLink Web UI
Step Action
3Choose one of the following Update Methods:
•Notify only. Select if you want the AastraLink to notify you using an email message when a new image is available.
•Download but don’t install. Select if you want the AastraLink to download the latest system software file, but not install it.
•Install (reboots system when updates are found). Select if you want the AastraLink to download the latest system software when it is available and install it (reboots the AastraLink) automatically.
4In the Check Every field, specify how often the AastraLink should check the Aastra support website for updates.
5In the At Time field(s), specify the time when the AastraLink should check for updates.
6Click <Save> to save your changes.