Printer Setting Value List Display
Paper Source
=Tray 1*
After a specific printer setting is selected (Paper Source in this example), the active printer setting is displayed on the first line and the default value (Tray 1) is displayed on the second line. An equal sign indicates it is assigned to the printer setting. An asterisk is displayed next to the currently selected or default value.
The buttons always act on the information displayed on the second line of the display.
The buttons act as follows while the screen is displayed:
•Menu> displays the next value in the printer setting’s value list.
•Menu< displays the previous value in the printer setting’s value list.
•Return returns to the previous menu level displayed on line 1.
For this example, the display changes as defined in “Printer Setting Display” on page
•Select saves the new value currently displayed for the printer setting. The Saved message is displayed momentarily on the second line, and then the printer returns to the previous menu level as shown in “Printer Setting Display” on page
Diagnostic Aids