Status Message | Status | Action |
Printing Menu Settings | A representation of | Press Stop to take the |
| the operator panel | printer offline. The Not |
| when Print Menu | Ready message appears. |
| Settings is selected | No more data is |
| from the menu. This | processed from the host |
| message appears | computer; however, the |
| until the Print Menus | printer processes all of |
| page or pages are | the paper in the printer’s |
| formatted and | paper path. Press Go to |
| submitted to the print | return the printer to the |
| engine and then Busy | previous state. |
| is shown. | Press Menu> or Menu< |
| |
| to access the Busy/ |
| Waiting Menu group. The |
| printer is online while the |
| Busy/Waiting Menu group |
| is active. The following |
| functions may be |
| available using the Busy/ |
| Waiting Menu group: |
| |
| |
| Note: Menu Lockout |
| does not prevent access |
| to the Busy/Waiting Menu |
| group. If no function in the |
| Busy/Waiting group is |
| available, the Menus |
| Disabled message is |
| temporarily shown when |
| Menu> or Menu< is |
| pressed. |