•TP refers to the PerfectFinish tank presence sensor.
•TF refers to the PerfectFinish fluid level sensor state.
Once this screen is displayed, the sensor can be manually actuated. When the sensor is closed, C is displayed. When the sensor is open, O is displayed. If the wrong message is displayed, the sensor is malfunctioning.
TP=O = Tank Missing
TP=C = Tank Present
TF=O = Cartridge Full
TF=C = Not Full
To exit the test, select Return or Stop.
Miscellaneous Sensors
This test is used to determine if a group of miscellaneous sensors is working correctly. To run the test, select Misc Sensors from the BASE SENSOR TESTS menu. The following screen is displayed:
Motors Sensors
•CS refers to the cam stepper home sensor state.
Once this screen is displayed, the sensor can be manually actuated. When the sensor is closed, C is displayed. When the sensor is open, O is displayed. If the wrong message is displayed, the sensor is malfunctioning.
To exit the test, select Return or Stop.