Status Message | Status | Action |
Disabling/Enabling | A representation of | No buttons are active |
Menus | the operator panel | while this message is |
| when the user has | displayed. |
| modified the Menu |
| Lockout printer setting |
| using the |
| Configuration Menu |
| Group. If the Menu |
| Lockout value is |
| changed to On (Panel |
| Menus=Disable), then |
| the Disabling |
| message is displayed. |
| If the Menu Lockout |
| value is changed to |
| Off (Panel |
| Menus=Enable), then |
| the Enabling |
| message is displayed. |
Flushing Buffer | A representation of | No buttons are active |
| the operator panel | while this message is |
| when the printer is | displayed. |
| flushing a print job. |
| The interpreter is |
| flushing the currently |
| active job until an End |
| Of Job is found or until |
| no data has been |
| received on the active |
| host interface for 5 |
| seconds. |
Status Message | Status | Action |
Activating Menu | The printer is being | No buttons are active |
Changes | reset to activate a | while this message is |
| printer setting | displayed. |
| changed in the |
| menus. |
Diagnostic Information