magicolor 330 - Base Engine Service Manual 2-1
Fault Isolation Procedures
Section 2. The FIP Flowchart
If you used the Service Flowchart, it should have directed you to this section. Follow the FIP Flowchart
located at the end of this section to analyze your printer problem.

How to Use the FIP Flowchart

1. If the printer exhibits an error code, use the FIP Flowchart to locate the correct FIP to resolve the prob-
2. If you a printer operation probl em; go to the PRINTER PERFORMANCE box.
3. If you have an print image problem; go to the IMAGE QUALITY box.
4. Follow the arrow leading from your problem bo x to the individual Primary FIP (Fault Isolation Proce-
dure) that corresponds to your error code, printer operation problem, or print image problem.
5. Follow the instructions presented in the FIP.
6. If a FIP instructs you to perform a d iagnostic test, refer to Section 7 Getting Connected to Printer Diag-
7. Voltage and resistance values presented in the FIPs are an approximation. Actual readings may vary
from the stated values.
8. Primary FIPs may dire ct you to a Secondary FIP.
9. Some Steps and substeps are displayed in a strikethrough font. These steps are not valid nor useful at
this time.
How to Follow a FIP (see the following sample FIP step)
1. Each numbered step in a FIP instructs you to perform a certain action or procedure.
2. The action box may co ntain additional information and numbered substeps you must follow to perform
the action.
3. The action is followed by a question.
4. If your response to the question is Yes , then follow the instructions for a Yes reply.
5. If your response to the question is No, then follow the instructions for a No reply.
6. FIPs ma y ask you to take voltage readings at certain test points within the printer.
Sections 10 and 13 contain information on test point locations and signal names.
7. FIPs often ask you to replace a printer component. Section 9 Removal and Replacement Procedures provides you
detailed steps for removing and replaci ng all major parts of the printer.