7-2 magicolor 330 - Base Engine Service Manual
Getting Connected to Engine Diagnostics
Connecting to Engine Diagnostics
This section explains how to access the two diagnostic areas of Engine Diagnos tics. The two areas are:
1. Printing / Status Control
2. Diagnostics Control
The performance of Fault Isolation within the Engine Diagnostics is cove red in Section 9.
Required Equipment
The following equipment is required to connect to the Engine Diagnostics:
1. Portable Computer
2. Debug Cable (available fr om QMS, Inc.)
3. RS232 PC Cable (local purchase)
4. Terminal Program (i.e., HyperTerminal, VTERM, etc.)
5. #2 Phillips Head Screwdr iver
Portable Computer to Printer Setup Procedure
1. Remove Printer MCU PWB Cover, right side of Printer (might require the use of #2 Phillips head
2. Connect Serial Cable to Porta ble Computer’s Serial Port (refer to computer’s user guide)
3. Connect Debug Cable to Serial Cab le
4. Connect Debug Cable to Debug Port on MCU PWB
Terminal Program Setup HyperTerminal (Windows 95 O/S)
1. Bootup Portable Computer to Windows 95,once booted up and running, s tart the HyperTerminal pro-
2. Create a "New Connection"
a. Type in Name and choose Icon
b. Select the Com Port that your serial port is connected to, either "Direct to Com 1", "Direct to Com 2",
"Direct to Com 3", or "Direct to Com 4".
c. Make the following selections for the Com Properties:
its per second; select "9600"
Data bits; select "8"
Parity; select "None"
Stop bits; select "1"
low Control; select "Xon/Xoff"
Select "OK" button