Microsoft Outlook GUI 159
Nortel Integrated Conference Bridge Service Implementation Guide
Login to the ICB card using Microsoft Outlook
You need to log into the ICB when you are setting up or editing the ICB
parameters of a conference. You will use the same ICB user ID and
password for the ICB form in Microsoft Outlook that you use for the BUI.
If you have access to more than one ICB card, you must have a user ID
defined for each card. Follow the steps in Procedure 31 to log into the
ICB card from Microsoft Outlook.
Procedure 31
Log into the ICB card using Microsoft Outlook
1If you are not already at the ICB tab, go to the ICB tab Microsoft Outlook.
aSelect Calendar from the Folder List in Microsoft Outlook.
bClick New.
cSelect the ICB tab.
dSelect the ICB card from the ICB Address drop-down list.
eSelect ICB Conference.
2Enter your username and password in the Enter Network Password window.
See Figure 75 for a depiction.
Figure 75
Username and Password (Microsoft Outlook)
aEnter your user ID in the User Name field.
bEnter your password in the Password field.
cSelect Save this password in your password list (optional).
This procedure is now complete
dClick OK.