Engineering guidelines 39
•An ICB card configured to the maximum capacity of 32 ports and 10 simultaneous conferences requires 87 ACD DNs and 32 TNs/LENs as follows:
—one ACD DN assigned to the ICB card
—32 TNs/LENs assigned to the 32 ports (1 PDN and 1 SDN for each TN/LEN; these can be internal DNs –
—20 ACD DID DNs (10 DN pairs) for dialing into the potential conferences
Note: For
— 1 DN for TUI access
•Two ICB cards and six ACD groups as follows:
—64 ACD agents (32 for each card),
—64 secondary DNs for these agents,
—36 DNs for simple conferences (9 pairs in each card)
Note: For
—1 DN for
—1 DN for
—1 DN for the link DN,
—1 DN for the transfer DN,
—2 DNs for TUI access (1 for each card)
This provides a total of 170 DNs, 40 of which are DID.
•Assign an Ethernet port to each ICB card with an IP address, subnet mask, and gateway during installation.
Note: On the CS 2100/Meridian
Nortel Integrated Conference Bridge Service Implementation Guide