98 Browser user interface
Recurrent Meeting Verify Result window
Figure 44 shows the window that the system displays when the Verify button is clicked when setting up a recurrent conference.
Figure 44
Recurrent Conference Verify Result window
The window displays the success result for each date specified in the recurrence criteria. In the case of a failure, the system indicates the reason (for example, not enough ports or DN is already in use).
Note: Editing the details of a recurrent conference only changes the conference for the selected day. All other occurrences of the recurrent conference are not changed.
Chairperson operations
Meeting Control window
The Meeting Control window is available to the chairperson only. The chairperson can access it in the following ways:
•From the LOGIN window, enter the chairperson access number and chairperson password of the active meeting.
•From the Meetings List window, in the Control column click on the gavel icon next to an active meeting in the list.
A window opens showing details of the specific meeting. Users cannot select another conference to control when this window is open.
The BUI allows only one active window per meeting. The associated voice port is the one identified as chairperson by access number. Figure 45 on page 99 shows the window when a chairperson is on the call. There is a different window when there is no chairperson present (see Figure 49 on page 104).