Appendix A: Password security 229
CLI Password Editor editing session
The following is a example of using a CLI password editing session to change an FTP password. Table 61 shows the font conventions that the example uses.
Table 61
Password example font conventions
// Italics
Prompts of text displayed by the CLI.
User input.
Explanations and comments.
Values in the examples are not necessarily the defaults.
CLI change to FTP Password example
//Administrator entered PSweditor
//ICB displays section name and its parameters, and prompts for action:
section [MIN_LENGTH] MIN_NAME_LENGTH: 4 MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH: 8 Modify, Next section, Cancel:
//Actions description:
//Modify - modify this section; MICB prompts values one by one
//Save - save pending changes and continue to next section
//Next - continue to next section
//Cancel - discard all pending changes and exit the command
//‘next’ action selected
//MICB displays section name and its parameters, and prompts for action:
section [CLI]
1st level user name: admin 1st level password:
2nd level user name: debug 2nd level password:
Maximum allowed login attempts: 5
Blocking period (minutes) after login failures: 60
CLI idle timeout in minutes: 30 Modify, Next section, Cancel:
// next: go to next section
Nortel Integrated Conference Bridge Service Implementation Guide