List of Figures
| 1 | RapidIO Architectural Hierarchy | 15 |
| 2 | RapidIO Interconnect Architecture | 16 |
| 3 | Serial RapidIO Device to Device Interface Diagrams | 17 |
| 4 | SRIO Peripheral Block Diagram | 20 |
| 5 | Operation Sequence | 21 |
| 6 | 1x/4x RapidIO Packet Data Stream | 22 |
| 7 | Serial RapidIO Control Symbol Format | 22 |
| 8 | SRIO Conceptual Block Diagram | 25 |
| 9 | Load/Store Data Transfer Diagram | 32 |
| 10 | Load/Store Registers for RapidIO (Address Offset: LSU1 | |
| 33 | |
| 11 | LSU Registers Timing | 35 |
| 12 | Example Burst NWRITE_R | 36 |
| 13 | Load/Store Module Data Flow | 37 |
| 14 | CPPI RX Scheme for RapidIO | 41 |
| 15 | Message Request Packet | 41 |
| 16 | Queue Mapping Table (Address Offset: 0x0800 - 0x08FC) | 42 |
| 17 | Queue Mapping Register RXU_MAP_Ln | 43 |
| 18 | Queue Mapping Register RXU_MAP_Hn | 43 |
| 19 | RX Buffer Descriptor Fields | 44 |
| 20 | RX CPPI Mode Explanation | 47 |
| 21 | CPPI Boundary Diagram | 48 |
| 22 | TX Buffer Descriptor Fields | 49 |
| 23 | Weighted Round Robin Programming Registers (Address Offset 0x7E0 – 0x7EC) | 52 |
| 24 | RX Buffer Descriptor | 57 |
| 25 | TX Buffer Descriptor | 58 |
| 26 | Doorbell Operation | 59 |
| 27 | Flow Control Table Entry Registers (Address Offset 0x0900 - 0x093C) | 61 |
| 28 | Transmit Source Flow Control Masks | 62 |
| 29 | Configuration Bus Example | 63 |
| 30 | DMA Example | 64 |
| 31 | GBL_EN (Address 0x0030) | 65 |
| 32 | GBL_EN_STAT (Address 0x0034) | 65 |
| 33 | BLK0_EN (Address 0x0038) | 65 |
| 34 | BLK0_EN_STAT (Address 0x003C) | 66 |
| 35 | BLK1_EN (Address 0x0040) | 66 |
| 36 | BLK1_EN_STAT (Address 0x0044) | 66 |
| 37 | BLK8_EN (Address 0x0078) | 66 |
| 38 | BLK8_EN_STAT (Address 0x007C) | 66 |
| 39 | Emulation Control (Peripheral Control Register PCR 0x0004) | 68 |
| 40 | Bootload Operation | 72 |
| 41 | Detectable Errors | 73 |
| 42 | RapidIO DOORBELL Packet for Interrupt Use | 74 |
| 43 | DOORBELL0 Interrupt Registers for Direct I/O Transfers | 76 |
| 44 | DOORBELL1 Interrupt Registers for Direct I/O Transfers | 76 |
| 45 | DOORBELL2 Interrupt Registers for Direct I/O Transfers | 77 |
| 46 | DOORBELL3 Interrupt Registers for Direct I/O Transfers | 77 |
| 47 | RX_CPPI Interrupts Using Messaging Mode Data Transfers | 78 |
| 48 | TX _CPPI Interrupts Using Messaging Mode Data Transfers | 78 |
| 49 | LSU Load/Store Module Interrupts | 79 |
| 50 | ERR_RST_EVNT Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt | 80 |
| 51 | Doorbell 0 Interrupt Condition Routing Registers | 81 |
6 | List of Figures | SPRU976 |