50 | TX CPPI Interrupt Status Register (TX_CPPI_ICSR) Field Descriptions | 121 | |
51 | TX CPPI Interrupt Clear Register (TX_CPPI_ICCR) Field Descriptions | 122 | |
52 | LSU Status Interrupt Register (LSU_ICSR) Field Descriptions | 123 | |
53 | LSU Clear Interrupt Register (LSU _ICCR) Field Descriptions | 124 | |
54 | Error, Reset, and Special Event Status Interrupt Register (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICSR) Field Descriptions .... | 125 | |
55 | Error, Reset, and Special Event Clear Interrupt Register (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICCR) Field Descriptions | 126 | |
56 | DOORBELLn Interrupt Condition Routing Register (DOORBELLn_ICRR) Field Descriptions | 127 | |
57 | DOORBELLn Interrupt Condition Routing Register 2 (DOORBELLn_ICRR2) Field Descriptions | 128 | |
58 | RX CPPI Interrupt Condition Routing Register (RX_CPPI _ICRR) Field Descriptions | 129 | |
59 | RX CPPI Interrupt Condition Routing Register (RX_CPPI _ICRR2) Field Descriptions | 130 | |
60 | TX CPPI Interrupt Condition Routing Register (TX_CPPI _ICRR) Field Descriptions | 131 | |
61 | TX CPPI Interrupt Condition Routing Register (TX_CPPI _ICRR2) Field Descriptions | 132 | |
62 | LSU Module Interrupt Condition Routing Register 0 (LSU_ICRR0) Field Descriptions | 133 | |
63 | LSU Module Interrupt Condition Routing Register 1 (LSU_ICRR1) Field Descriptions | 134 | |
64 | LSU Module Interrupt Condition Routing Register 2 (LSU_ICRR2) Field Descriptions | 135 | |
65 | LSU Module Interrupt Condition Routing Register 3 (LSU_ICRR3) Field Descriptions | 136 | |
66 | Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Routing Register (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICRR) Field |
| |
| Descriptions | 137 | |
67 | Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Routing Register 2 (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICRR2) Field |
| |
| Descriptions | 138 | |
68 | Error, Reset, and Special Event Interrupt Condition Routing Register 3 (ERR_RST_EVNT_ICRR3) Field |
| |
| Descriptions | 139 | |
69 | INTDSTn Interrupt Status Decode Registers (INTDSTn_DECODE) Field Descriptions | 140 | |
70 | INTDSTn Interrupt Rate Control Registers (INTDSTn_RATE_CNTL) Field Descriptions | 141 | |
71 | LSUn Control Register 0 (LSUn_REG0) Field Descriptions | 142 | |
72 | LSUn Control Register 1 (LSUn_REG1) Field Descriptions | 143 | |
73 | LSUn Control Register 2 (LSUn_REG2) Field Descriptions | 144 | |
74 | LSUn Control Register 3 (LSUn_REG3) Field Descriptions | 145 | |
75 | LSUn Control Register 4 (LSUn_REG4) Field Descriptions | 146 | |
76 | LSUn Control Register 5 (LSUn_REG5) Field Descriptions | 147 | |
77 | LSUn Control Register 6 (LSUn_REG6) Field Descriptions | 148 | |
78 | LSU Congestion Control Flow Mask n (LSU_FLOW_MASKS n) Field Descriptions | 149 | |
79 | Queue Transmit DMA Head Descriptor Pointer Registers (QUEUEn_TXDMA_HDP) Field Descriptions .... | 150 | |
80 | Queue Transmit DMA Completion Pointer Registers (QUEUEn_TXDMA_CP) Field Descriptions | 151 | |
81 | Queue Receive DMA Head Descriptor Pointer Registers (QUEUEn_RXDMA_HDP) Field Descriptions .... | 152 | |
82 | Queue Receive DMA Completion Pointer Registers (QUEUEn_RXDMA_CP) Field Descriptions | 153 | |
83 | Transmit Queue Teardown Register (TX_QUEUE_TEAR_DOWN) Field Descriptions | 154 | |
84 | Transmit CPPI Supported Flow Mask Registers n (TX_CPPI_FLOW_MASKSn) Field Descriptions | 156 | |
85 | Receive Queue Teardown Register (RX_QUEUE_TEAR_DOWN) Field Descriptions | 157 | |
86 | Receive CPPI Control Register (RX_CPPI_CNTL) Field Descriptions | 158 | |
87 | Transmit CPPI Weighted Round Robin Control Register 0 (TX_QUEUE_CNTL0) Field Descriptions | 159 | |
88 | Transmit CPPI Weighted Round Robin Control Register 1 (TX_QUEUE_CNTL1) Field Descriptions | 160 | |
89 | Transmit CPPI Weighted Round Robin Control Register 2 (TX_QUEUE_CNTL2) Field Descriptions | 161 | |
90 | Transmit CPPI Weighted Round Robin Control Register 3 (TX_QUEUE_CNTL3) Field Descriptions | 162 | |
91 | 163 | ||
92 | 164 | ||
93 | Flow Control Table Entry Registers (FLOW_CNTLn) Field Descriptions | 165 | |
94 | Device Identity CAR (DEV_ID) Field Descriptions | 166 | |
95 | Device Information CAR (DEV_INFO) Field Descriptions | 167 | |
96 | Assembly Identity CAR (ASBLY_ID) Field Descriptions | 168 | |
97 | Assembly Information CAR (ASBLY_INFO) Field Descriptions | 169 | |
98 | Processing Element Features CAR (PE_FEAT) Field Descriptions | 170 | |
SPRU976 | List of Tables | 11 |