Chapter 3: Installing Avaya IP Agent
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●A readme.txt file containing last minute information
Avaya communication server
The following Avaya communication servers can be used:
●Avaya communication servers with Avaya Communication Manager software
●Avaya communication servers with Avaya MultiVantage software
●DEFINITY Enterprise Communication Server (ECS) R10
●DEFINITY Business Communications System (BCS) R10
●DEFINITY Guestworks R10
For the Windows Terminal Services implementation of Avaya IP Agent, the Avaya communication server must have one or more of the following component:
●A Control LAN Circuit Pack
Server hardware
The following topics present minimum server hardware requirements for Avaya IP Agent:
The minimum requirements for Windows Terminal Services are sufficient for Avaya IP Agent to run properly.
Hard disk space
Avaya IP Agent requires a minimum of 30 MB per user installation. Avaya IP Agent can require more hard disk space, depending on the amount of data stored for the phone directory, call history, and screen pops.
30 Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix | June 2007 |