46 CyberSWITCH
Since the CyberSWITCH is a factory-customized product, there is no need to install specifi c adapter
boards in order to access the WAN. Connecti o ns for the internal BRI interface are made at th e sys-
tem’s back panel. On the B2, a basic rate line will connect to the RJ-45 connector labeled 1. On the
B4, up to two basic rate lines will connect to t he ports labeled 1 and 2. On the B8, up to four basic
rate lines will connect to the ports labeled 1 through 4.
For informational purposes, the pin list for the B RI connector follows:
Pin and Signal Assignment for the RJ-45 Connector
Note: The 10Base-T connector and the WAN connect or are b oth RJ45 c on necto rs . Howe ver , th ey
do have different electrical interfaces. Take care to keep these separate.
Basic Rate Interface
Accessing services such as NTT's INS-64, BOC's Centrex Basic Rate ISDN, or PBX's basic rate lines
is possible using the system’s BRI interface.
Each BRI port on the system provides two 64 Kbps channels for data and a 16Kbps signaling
channel (2B+D). Both B channel c onnec tio ns ca n be ac ti ve at the sa me t i me, to the s ame o r d iff er ent
The internal BRI interface provides up to four 4-wire S/T interfaces with separ ate RJ-45 connecto rs.
It uses external NT1s (when necessary) to connect to the public ISDN. External ISDN terminal
adapters are not needed.
In Japan, NTT provides a dedicated service called High Speed Digital-I that uses the same BRI
interface. This can be either a 64Kb or 128Kbps leased circuit. The BRI interface supports from one
to four HSD-I circuits, depending on the model.
Pin Signal Function
1NC No Connect
2NC No Connect
3TX + to Network Transmit to Line (T)
4RX + from Network Receive from Line (T)
5RX - from Network Receive from Line (R)
6TX - to Network Transmit to Line (R)
7NC No Connect
8NC No Connect