remote LAN 114, 273, 277, 295

problem diagnosis 401 verification 371

remote management 503 SNMP 504

Telnet 506

TFTP 509 reporting problems 616 requirements

verification procedures 353 resource 90

resources 88, 90, 91 See also adapters

restart 523 restore 522

restoring configuration 598 restricted bridge mode 221, 230 retransmission timer (triggered RIP/SAP) 291 RIP (IP) 130

and dedicated connections 120 and interfaces 117 commands 539

enabling 102, 130

host routes propagation scheme 112 operation verification 366 problem diagnosis 397 propagation control 126, 127, 130 receive control 111

respond control 110 send control 110

v2 authentication control 111

v2 authentication key 112 verifying initialization 366 verifying LAN input processing 368 verifying LAN output processing 367

RIP (IPX) description 279 entry aging time 276

network interface configuration elements 275 number of table entries 279

processing option 278 RLAN interface (remote LAN) 106 robbed bit signaling 97

routing tables (IPX) 279 problem diagnosis 403


safety considerations 36 SAP (IPX)

description 279 entry aging time 276

network interface configuration elements 276

propagation 284

seclevel 138, 139, 140, 144, 176

secondary IP addressing 106, 122, 123 SecurID card 133, 141


authentication databases 134 authentication process 140 device level databases 155 network login information 188 off-node server information 178 overview 133

token card 141

user level databases 176 security level 136

device and user level security 144 device level security 139

no security 138

user level security 140 semiperm 327

semipermanent connections 326, 328 and call device commands 328 and call restrictions 329

and throughput monitor 329 commands 518 configuring 326, 328 verification 382

sentry 557

service indicator 422 session 524

shared secret (RADIUS) 182 signaling method 97

SNMP 298, 301, 504

configuring 298 operation verification 375 problem diagnosis 408 statistics 585

snmp 300, 551

socket number 284 software

configuration files 51 operational files 52 overview 51 system files 51

source MAC filter commands 223

sp 518

Spanning Tree configuration 220 messages 428


srcfilt 223

static ARP table entries 238

static route lookup via RADIUS 239

642 CyberSWITCH

Page 642
Image 642
Cabletron Systems CSX1000, CSX1200 manual Restart 523 restore, Sentry, Spid, Srcfilt