Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release7.6
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show radius
show radiusTo display configured RADIUS parameters, use the show radius command.
show radius [noalias]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines You can enter this command in normal or privileged mode, b ut the RADI US k ey is displayed on ly if this
command is entered in privileged mode.
Examples This example shows how to display RADIUS information:
Console> show radius
Login Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
--------------------- ---------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius disabled disabled
local enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
Enable Authentication: Console Session Telnet Session
---------------------- ----------------- ----------------
tacacs disabled disabled
radius disabled disabled
local enabled(primary) enabled(primary)
RADIUS Deadtime: 0 minutes
RADIUS Key: 123456
RADIUS Retransmit: 2
RADIUS Timeout: 5 seconds
Framed-Ip Address Transmit: Enabled
RADIUS-Server Status Auth-port Acct-port
----------------------------- ------- ------------ ------------ primary 1812 1813
noalias (Optional) Forces the display to show IP addresses, not IP aliases.