Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release7.6
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands show ntp
show ntpTo display the current NTP status, use the show ntp command.
show ntp
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal.
Examples This example shows how to display the current NTP status:
Console> show ntp
Current time: Tue Mar 28 2000, 11:19:03 pst
Timezone: 'pst', offset from UTC is -8 hours
Summertime: 'pst', enabled
Last NTP update:
Broadcast client mode: enabled
Broadcast delay: 3000 microseconds
Client mode: disabled
Table 2 -59 describes the fields in the show ntp command output.
Table2-59 show ntp Command Output Fields
Field Description
Current time Current system time.
Timezone Time zone and the offset in hours from UTC.
Summertime Time zone for daylight saving time and whether the daylight saving
time adjustment is enabled or disabled.
Last NTP update Time of the last NTP update.
Broadcast client mode Status of wh ether NTP bro adcast -client mo de is enable d or
Broadcast delay Configured NTP broadcast delay.
Client mode St atus of wh ether NTP cl ient mode is enabl ed or disable d.
NTP-Server List of configured NTP servers.