Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release7.6
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set dot1x
re-authperiod is 3600 seconds
supp-timeout is 30 seconds
server-timeout is 30 seconds
max-req count is 2
shutdown-timeout is 300 seconds.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines When you set the system-auth-control, the following applies:
The enable keyword allows you to control each port’s authorization status per the port-control
parameter set using the set port dot1x command.
The disable keyword allows you to make all ports behave as though the port-control para me ter i s
set to force-authorized.
If you do not enable reauth entication, reauthentication does not automatically occur after authentication has
When the supplicant does not notify the authenticator that it received the EAP-request/identity packet,
the authenticator waits a period of time (set by entering the tx-period seconds parameter), and then
retransmits the packet.
When the supplicant does not notify the backend authenticator that it received the EAP-request packet,
the backend authenticator waits a period of time (set by entering the supp-timeout seconds parameter),
and then retransmits the packet.
When the authentication server does not notify the backend authenticator that it received specific
packets, the backend authenticator waits a period of time (set by entering the server-timeout seconds
parameter), and then retransmits the packets.
When you enter the set dot1x dhcp-relay-agent command, you can enter more than one VLAN.
Examples This example shows how to set the system authentication control:
Console> (enable) set dot1x system-auth-control enable
dot1x authorization enabled.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the idle time between authentication attempts:
Console> (enable) set dot1x quiet-period 45
dot1x quiet-period set to 45 seconds.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the retransmission time:
Console> (enable) set dot1x tx-period 15
dot1x tx-period set to 15 seconds.
Console> (enable)