Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release7.6
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set aclmerge bdd
set aclmerge bdd
To enable or disable the binary decision diagram (BDD) ACL merge algorithm, use the set aclmerge
bdd command.
set aclmerge bdd {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Defaults BDD is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines When you enable or disable BDD, the change takes effect when your system is restarted.
BDD must be enabled in order to change th e ACL merge al go rit hm.
Enabling BDD on a supervisor engine with 64 MB of RAM could cause memory to run low. To avoid
this situation, upgrade the memory or disable BDD.
Examples This example shows how to disable BDD:
Console> (enable) set aclmerge bdd disable
Bdd will be disabled on system restart.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to enable BDD:
Console> (enable) set aclmerge bdd enable
Warning:enabling bdd on a supervisor with 64MB RAM
could cause memory to run low, to avoid this situation
please upgrade the memory or disable BDD.
Bdd will be enabled on system restart.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands se t a clme rge alg o
show aclmerge
enable Enables the BDD-based ACL merge function.
disable Disables the BDD-based ACL merge function.