Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release7.6
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set localuser
set localuser
To configure the switch to use local user authentication to auth en tic ate ac ces s o n the s witch, use th e set
localuser command.
set localuser authentication {enable | disable}
set localuser user username [password pwd] [privilege privilege_level]
set localuser password [user username]
Syntax Description
Defaults Local user authentication is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You can configure a maximum of twenty-five local user accounts on each switch.
Before you can enable local user authentication you must define at least one local user account.
A username must be fewer than sixty-five characters in length and can consist of alphabetic and numeric
characters only. At least one of the characters in th e u s erna me m ust b e alp ha be tic .
The privilege level assigned to a username and password combination designates whether a user will be
logged in to normal or privileged mode after successful authentication. A user with a privilege level of
0 is automatically logged in to normal mode, and a user wi th a p rivilege level of 15 is logge d in to
privileged mode. A user with a privilege level of 0 can still a ccess privile ged mode by enter ing the enable
command and password combination.
Note If you are running a Cisco View image or are logging in using HTTP log in the initial authe nti cat ion
is done using the username and password combination. Privilege mode authentication can be done
by either providing the privilege password or using the username and password combination,
provided the local user has a privilege level of 15.
authentication Specifies local user authentication.
enable Enables local user authentication.
disable Disables local user authentication.
user username Specifies a local user account.
password pwd (Optional) Specifies a local user password.
privilege privilege_level (Optional) Specifies a privilege level; valid values are 0 and 15.
password Changes local user password.