1040 NTDW61 and NTDW66Common Processor Pentium Mobile Card
TLAN The TLAN network interface is a 10/100 BaseT port. By default this network
interface is set to autonegotiate. This network interface is used for Signaling
Server applications.
Serial data interface ports
The CP PM has two serial data interface (SDI) ports: Port 0 and Port 1.
Both ports are standard RS232 DTE ports. They are routed through the
backplane of the shelf to a 50-pin main distribution frame (MDF) connector
on the back of the shelf. A cable (NTAK19ECE6)that adapts the 50-pin MDF
to a pair of 25-pin DB connectors is shipped with the CP PM. A 25-pin null
modem is required to adapt an SDI port to a typical PC serial port. Port 0 is
used for maintenance access. Port 1 is for an external modem connection.

TTY parameters

The TTY parameters are configured through the BIOS features configuration
menu. The BIOS can be accessed only through TTY Port 0. On the Call
Server, TTY parameters can be modified using LD 17. On the Signaling
Server, these parameters can be modified using the maintenance shell.
Supported parameters:
Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200.
Data bit length: 5-8.
Stp bit: 1, 1.5, and 2.
Parity: odd, even, and none.
Default parameters for both ports:
Baud rate: 9600.
Data bit length: 8.
Stop bit: 1.
Parity: none.
Flow control: none.
USB 2.0 portTheUSB port is not currently used by the Call Server or Signaling Server
Security device
The CS1000 provides an on-board interface for the existing security device
(dongle) using a Maxim/Dallas 1-wire to USB interface device. This is used
for the Call Server application.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks