470 NT7D16 Data Access card
Parameter Value Description
S3 13 Terminator character Carriage Return (<CR>)
S4 10 New line character Line Feed (<LF>)
S5 8Back space character BS (<BS>)
S6 2Blind dial delay 2 seconds
S7 30 Timeout for outbound call answer 30 seconds
S8 2Dial pause delay 2 seconds
S9 6Carrier detect response time 0.6 seconds
S10 14 Call disconnect timer for carrier loss 1.4 seconds
S11 95 Touchtone space 95 milliseconds
S12 50 Escape sequence guard timer 1.00 seconds
* Parameters that are reset to the downloaded operating parameters when 1 is
entered at the reset command.
Outbound calls
The DAC supports two types of outbound data calls:
point-to-point data calls
calls sent through a modem without call origination capabilities
Hayes dialing does not provide forany alterations during call processing,
Ring Again, or Controlled Call Back Queueing (CCBQ) for example.
Consequently,if such variances occur during the call processing, the DAC
releases the call and notifies you with a NO CARRIER or BUSY result code.
Table185 "Allowed outbound call command characters" (page 470) lists the
command characters allowed for an outbound call.
Allowed outbound call command characters
Character Description
0-9 Dial number normal digits
,Delay dialing the next digit by the value set in S8 register
Inbound calls
The DAC supports auto answer and manualanswer capabilities. The
following commands give examples of both auto and manual answer
This dialogue session describes the sequence when the S0 register is set to
three. In this case, the DAC automatically answers the incoming call on the
third ring, and the session begins with the CONNECT message.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks