180 NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards
Overall costs for customer applications can also be reduced because
the T1-compatible peripheral equipment is often more attractively priced
than the analog-port alternatives.
The Lineside T1 card is compatible with all IPE based systems and standard
public or private DSX-1 type carrier facilities. Using A/B robbed bit signaling,
it supports D4 or ESF channel framing formats as well as AMI or B8ZS
coding. Because it uses standard PCM in standard T1 timeslots, existing
T1 test equipment remains compatible for diagnostic and fault isolation
Card interfaces
The Lineside T1 card passes voice and signaling data over DS-30X loops
through the DS-30X Interfaces circuits and maintenance data over the card
LAN link.
The Lineside T1 card passes voice and signaling data over DS-30X loops
through the DS-30X Interfaces circuits and maintenance data over the card
LAN link. These interfaces are discussed in detail in "Intelligent Peripheral
Equipment" (page 21).
The Lineside T1 card passes voice and signaling data over DS-30X loops
through the DS-30X Interfaces circuits and maintenance data over the card
LAN link.
T1 interface circuit
The Lineside T1 card contains one T1 line interface circuit which provides
24 individually configurable voice interfacesto one T1 link in 24 different
time slots. The circuit demultiplexes the 2.56 Mbps DS-30X Tx signaling
bitstreams from the DS-30X network loop and converts it into 1.544 mHz
T1 Tx signaling bitstreams onto the T1 link. It also does the opposite,
receiving Rx signaling bitstreams from the T1 link and transmitting Rx
signaling bitstreams onto the DS-30X network loop.
The T1 interface circuit performs the following:
Provides an industry standard DSX-1 (0 to 655 ft./200 meters) interface.
Converts DS-30X signaling protocol into FXO A and B robbed bit
signaling protocol.
Provides switch-selectable transmission and reception of T1 signaling
messages over a T1 link in either loop or ground start mode.
The Lineside T1 card contains one T1 line interface circuit that provides
24 individually configurable voice interfacesto one T1 link in 24 different
time slots. The circuit demultiplexes the 2.56 Mbps DS-30X Tx signaling
bitstreams from the DS-30X network loop and converts it into 1.544 mHz
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks