Electrical specifications 553
Frequency (Hz) Minimum (dB) Maximum (dB)
3000 –0.5 1.0
3200 –0.5 1.5
3400 0.0 3.0
Power requirements
Table219 "Power requirements" (page 553) provides the powerrequirements for the NT8D09 Analog Message Waiting Line card.
Power requirements
(+/-) Tolerance Idle
current Active
current Max
+ 12.0 V dc 0.36 V dc 48 mA 0 mA 48
+ 8.0 V dc 0.40 V dc 150 mA 8 mA 280
–48.0 V dc 2.00V dc 48 mA 40 mA 688
–48.0 V dc 5.00 V dc 0 mA 10 mA
(Note 1) 320
86.0 V ac 5.00 V ac 0 mA 10 mA
(Note 2) 160
–150.0 V dc 3.00V dc 0 mA 2 mA 32
Note 1: Each active ringing relay requires 10 mA of battery voltage.
Note 2: Reflects the current for ringing a single station set (or DN telephone).
There may be as many as five ringers on each line.
Table220 "Analog message waiting line card - power requirements" (page554) provides the power requirements for the analog message waiting line
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks