466 NT7D16 Data Access card
Dialing operation
Like keyboard dialing, the Hayesdialing commands allow the user to initiate
a data call, as well as change certain dialing parameters. The commands
may be entered in either upper or lower case, but must be the same case
throughout the command line. Also the case must match the autobaud case.
Note: Hayes dialing does not allowfor the Ring Again feature. If a call
is made to a busy number,that call is abandoned.
Table182 "AT dialing commands" (page 466) provides a list of the ATdialing
ATdialing commands
Command Description
ATA Answer (answer incoming data call)
ATDTnnnn Dial (n = 0-9, numbers to be dialed)
A/ Repeat last command (no <CR> needed)
ATO On-line(enter three Escape characters rapidly to go off-line)
ATDPnnnn Voice call (n = 0-9, numbers to be dialed)
ATF0 Handsfree/mute (toggle Handsfree between mute and normal)
ATF1 Hold (put voice call on hold)
ATF2 Select (take voice call off hold)
ATH0 Hangup data call
ATHP Hangup voice call
ATQn Resultcode (n = 0, 1; if n = 0, result codes are sent)
ATVn Verbalresult (n = 0, 1; ifn = 0, numeric codesare sent)
ATXn Resultcode selection (n = 0, 1; if n = 1, extended results)
ATSn Read S register (n = number of S register to read)
ATSn=x Write S register (n = S register number; x = new value)
ATZ Soft reset (reset to default parameters)
ATCn Carrierdetect (n = 0, 1; if n = 1, carrier detect is enabled)
Note 1: To use AT dialing,enter CTRL-z at carriage return (<CR>) whenthe port is idle.
Note 2: Follow each command (except A/) bya carriage return (<CR>) to executeit.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks