Architecture 873
Offset PAD set 0 PAD set 1
34dB -10db
45dB 0.6db
56.1dB 7db
68dB 9db
7-1dB 10db
8-3dB 11db
9-4dB 12db
A idle code, 7F 3db
B unassignedcode, FF 14db
C 1dB spare
D -2dB spare
E -5db spare
F -6db spare
D-channel interface
The D-channel interfaceis a 64 Kbps maximum, full-duplex, serial bit-stream
configured as a DCE device. The data signals include receive data output,
transmit data input, receive clock output, and transmit clockoutput. The
receive and transmit clocks can vary slightly from each other as determined
by the transmit and receive carrier clocks.
Feature selection through software configuration forthe D-channel includes:
56 Kbps
64 Kbps clear
64 Kbps inverted (64 Kbps restricted)
DCHI can be enabled and disabled independent of the PRI card, as long as
the PRI card is inserted in its cabinet slot. The D-channeldata link cannot
be established however,unless the PRI loop is enabled.
On the NTAK09use switch 1 and position 1 to select either the D-channel
feature or the DPNSS feature, as follows:
OFF = D-channel
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks