222 NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards
and against FTR respond:
The Lineside T1 card treats OSP and ISP for both originating and
terminating calls as hook flash disconnect supervision, also known as cut-off
disconnect. Originating calls are outgoing from the terminal equipment.
Terminatingcalls are incoming to the ter minal equipment. The Lineside T1
card does not support battery reversal answer and disconnect supervision
on originating calls.
After the software is configured, power up the card and verifythe self test
results. The STATUS LED on the faceplate indicates whether or not the
Lineside T1 card has passed its self test, and is functional. When the card
is installed, this LED remains lit fortwo to five seconds as the self-test runs.
If the self-test completes successfully, the LED flashes three times and
remains lit. When the card is configured and enabled in software, the LED
goes out. The LED goes out if either the motherboard or daughterboard is
enabled by the software. If the LED flashes continuously or remains weakly
lit, replace the card.
The Lineside T1 card supports far-end disconnect supervision by opening
the tip side toward the terminal equipment upon the Meridian 1 system’s
detecting a disconnect signal from the far-end on an established call. The
Supervised Analog Line feature (SAL) must be configured in LD 10 for each
Lineside T1 port. At the prompt FTR, respond
and against FTR respond
The Lineside T1 card treats OSP and ISP for both originating and
terminating calls as hook flash disconnect supervision, also known as cut-off
disconnect. Originating calls are outgoing from the terminal equipment.
Terminatingcalls are incoming to the ter minal equipment. The Lineside T1
card does not support battery reversal answer and disconnect supervision
on originating calls.
After the software is configured, power up the card and verifythe self test
results. The STATUS LED on the faceplate indicates whether or not the
Lineside T1 card has passed its self test, and is functional. When the card
is installed, this LED remains lit fortwo to five seconds as the self-test runs.
If the self-test completes successfully, the LED flashes three times and
remains lit. When the card is configured and enabled in software, the LED
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
Copyright© 2003-2008, Nor tel Networks