370 NT5K21 XMFC/MFE card
XMFE sender specifications
Forward frequencies in OG mode: 700, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500 Hz
Forward frequencies in IC mode: 1900 Hz
Frequency tolerance: +/- 0.25% from nominal
Power level at each frequency: Selectable: 1 of 16 levels
Level tolerance: +/- 1.0 dB
Harmonic Distortion and Intermodulation: 35 dB below level of 1 signaling frequency
Time interval between start of 2 tones: 125 usec.
Time interval between stop of 2 tones: 125 usec.
XMFE receiver specifications
Input sensitivity:
-4 dBm to -35 dBm +/- 10 Hz of nominal
-42 dBm signals
-4 dBmoutside 500-1900 Hz
-40 dBmsingle/multiple sine wave in 500-1900 Hz
accepted: fc +/- 20 Hz
Amplitude twist:
accepted: difference of 9 dB between frequency pair
Operating time: < 64 msec.
Release time: < 64 msec.
Tone Interrupt causing no
release: < 8 msec. Receiver on, tone missing
Longest Input tone ignored: < 8 msec. Combination of valid frequencies
Longest control tone ignored: < 15 msec.Control Frequency only
Noise rejection: S/N > 18 dBNo degradation in-band white noise
Physical specifications
Table169 "Physical specifications" (page 370) outlines the physicalspecifications of the NT5K21 XMFC/MFE circuit card.
Physical specifications
Dimensions Height:12.5 in. (320 mm)
Depth:10.0 in. (255 mm)
Thickness:7/8 in. (22.25 mm)
Faceplate LED Lit when the circuit card is disabled
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Circuit Card Reference
NN43001-311 01.04 Standard
Release 5.0 23 May 2008
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