Pitney Bowes DM1000 Adding Funds To Your Postage By Phone Account, Click on Postage By Phone

Models: DM1000

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DM1000 Operating Guide

5Adding Funds To Your Postage By Phone Account

You can pay for your postage two ways:

You can add postage to your account whenever you need to and be billed for the postage through Pitney Bowes Purchase Power account,


You can prepay for your postage. If you prepay, please allow for five to seven business days for the funds to be available before you add the postage to your meter. You can also prepay using ACH (Automated Clearing House) and wire options. The payment options are described in the table below.

Postage Payment Option

Transit Time

Description and Instructions










Pitney Bowes

No Delay -

To get immediate access to


Purchase Power


postage, use the Postage By Phone


“Reset Now - Pay Later”

Access to

automated response system at




800.243.7800 and follow the




Purchase Power prompts, or visit




us on the web at:








and click on Postage By Phone.




Pay for the postage you’ve used




when you get the bill. You can take




up to 20 days to pay your bill.




Also, if you choose not to prepay,




your system can dial Pitney Bowes




and automatically connect to your




Purchase Power account. Simply




add up to the “funds available”




amount displayed on the main




screen. Other advantages of




Purchase Power accounts and




www.Postagebyphone.com include




the ability to:



• Pay for Pitney Bowes supplies



• Obtain both online and hard




copies of your bill




• Consolidate billing for supplies




and postage




• Get online statement archives






Postage By Phone


If you are a high volume mailer, you


Reserve Account - earn


can prepay to Reserve Account and


interest on prepaid


earn interest on prepaid balances.


balances - 1.5%


This is recommended if you are




spending over $1500.00 per month




on postage and you anticipate




having average balances in excess




of $5000.00 per month.






SV60951 Rev. A


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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Adding Funds To Your Postage By Phone Account, Click on Postage By Phone