Pitney Bowes DM1000 Postage Refill, Fails with, IntelliLink, On or Off Mailing, Wrong Ad, Appears

Models: DM1000

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DM1000 Operating Guide















Possible Cause





IntelliLink Control Center (continued)











Postage Refill

Phone line is not

Reconnect phone line in




Fails with

connected or is loose.

back of IntelliLink







Control Center.




Control Center





Phone line is damaged.

Check phone line for damage



On or Off the





(cuts, crimps), and replace if




















There is a problem with

Test the main phone outlet









phone line.

and have repaired if

















There is an internal

Call for service at





problem with the






IntelliLink Control






Center and/or meter.











Wrong Ad,

Mailing system is reset

Select desired graphic.




Inscription, or

to factory default mode.

Push the Menu key.




Permit, Yet


Select Meter Stamp




Appears In


Options. Select





Advertisements or




Menu List.

















Change Normal Preset






Timeout See 5 -






Mailing System Setup










Ad, Inscription,

Art Card is not installed or is

Reinstall the art card.




or Permit Does

installed incorrectly.

Make sure it is in all the




Not Appear In











Menu List.

The item you want may

Reinstall the other art









not be on art card.

cards or call the PB






Supply Line at






1.800.243.7824 and






order a graphic.











There is an internal

Call for service at





problem with the






IntelliLink Control






Center and/or meter.










SV60951 Rev. A


Page 148
Image 148
Pitney Bowes DM1000 Postage Refill, Fails with, IntelliLink, On or Off Mailing, Wrong Ad, Inscription, or, Permit, Yet