Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Getting Help

Models: DM1000

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10 Troubleshooting

Getting Help

There may be times when you need help to solve a problem, or you may want more information about how your mailing system works. Pitney Bowes provides several information resources. See 1 - Read This First for a description of these resources.

If you cannot find the answer to your question by pressing the help button, in one of the user guides, or on our web site you can call our Pitney Bowes Service Support Network at 1.800.522.0020.

Before you call make sure you have the following information which is located under the main cover on the inside rear panel of the system:

Your product name: DM1000 Mailing System and model number

Your serial number

Also be ready to explain:

The nature of your problem

What happens and when does it happen

The error message displayed (if there was one)

The steps you have already taken to solve the problem and the results


SV60951 Rev. A

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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Getting Help