Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Reports, Single Account Report, Screen Display, Printed Report

Models: DM1000

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Single Account Report

DM1000 Operating Guide

The Single Account Report gives the total pieces of mail and the postage for a selected account. After you select Single Account Report a Select Account screen displays, allowing you to choose a specific account for the report. If an account is already selected from a previous job, that account will display for the report.

Accounts can be printed even if they are inactive.

Screen Display

Single Account Report

<Account name>

<Subacct> <Sub-Subacct>

Account Number

<Account Number>


<Account Piece Count>


<Account Value Total>

> Select Another Account

Printed Report

The Single Account Report prints on one envelope or a strip of tape.

Information contained in the report:

Date report is printed

Time report printed

Meter Stamp Serial Number: identifies the meter which printed the report

Account Name: Name of each account that has used postage

Account Number: Number of each account that has used postage

Pieces: Total of pieces processed for the account

Postage: Total postage amount charged to the account

Station ID: a user-defined number to identify the meter.


SV60951 Rev. A


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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Reports, Single Account Report, Screen Display, Printed Report