Pitney Bowes DM1000 How To Reset Or Clear All Of Your Accounts, Print Report Reset All Accounts

Models: DM1000

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DM1000 Operating Guide

8Resetting (Clearing) all Accounts

9Turning “Reset Individual Accounts” On or Off

When you reset or clear your accounts, you completely remove all of the data in all of your accounts but keep the account. Once you clear the data, you cannot retrieve it. To keep a record of your data, be sure to print a Multi-Account Summary Report. Refer to 8 - Reports for more information on reports.

How To Reset Or Clear All Of Your Accounts

1.Press the Accounts key.

2.Press the right arrow key to enter the “Set Up Account” screen.

3.Scroll down and select Reset All Accounts.

4.As soon as you select Reset All Accounts, the system prompts you to select:

Print Report

Reset All Accounts

5.To keep a record of your account data, select Print Report. The system prints a Multi-Account report.

6.Once you print a Multi-Account report, clear all accounts by selecting Reset All Accounts. The system prompts you to confirm that you want to clear the accounts.

If you want to be able to reset (clear) individual accounts, enable (turn on) the Reset Individual Accounts feature.

To actually reset an individual account go to the 3 Editing Accounts.

How To Turn On Reset Individual Accounts

1.Press the Accounts key.

2.Press the right arrow key to enter the “Set Up Account” screen.

3.Scroll down and select Reset Indiv. Accounts.

4.Select to have Reset Individual Accounts On or Off.


SV60951 Rev. A


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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual How To Reset Or Clear All Of Your Accounts, How To Turn On Reset Individual Accounts