Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Problem Possible Cause Solution Problem Adding Postage

Models: DM1000

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DM1000 Operating Guide


Possible Cause


Problem Adding Postage

Refill Operation

Fails When

Control Center Is

Attached Or

Removed From

the Mailing


Phone line is not connected or is

Reconnect the phone line to the


back of the IntelliLink Control



Phone cord is damaged.

Check phone cord for damage



(cuts, crimps) and replace if








Problem with the phone line.

Test the main phone outlet with a



telephone and have repaired if








You are using the wrong Postage

Enter the following number for


By Phone telephone number.

Postage By Phone:






To change the phone number, refer



to the Phone Set Up: PBP Phone



section in 5 - Mailing System



Setup in this guide.





Refill amount exceeds the funds in

Check your account balance.


your account.

Refer to the section Checking



Your Postage By Phone Account



Balance section in 6 - Adding



Postage of this guide.





Internal problem with the IntelliLink

Call for service at 1.800.522.0020.


Control Center.



SV60951 Rev. A


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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Problem Possible Cause Solution Problem Adding Postage