Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Cleaning the Moistener Brush, Changing the Moistener Brush

Models: DM1000

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9 Maintaining and Updating

Cleaning the Moistener Brush

How To Clean the Moistener Brush

1.Move the tape lever to the up position.

2.Move the brush lever to the right to pull the brush mechanism forward.

3.Remove the brush.

Need pictures










4.Rinse the brush under cold water, separating the bristles to remove excess glue and deposits.

5.Lift the brush out by pulling up on the bristles.

6.Place the brush in the case, two or three teeth away from the bottom. The shorter bristles should be against the solid side of the holder.

7.Return the case to the brush mechanism using the lever.

8.Return lever to original position.

9.Return tape lever to the required position.

Wet Tape– Lever up

Dry Tape– Lever down

2-3 Teeth away From Bottom

Short Bristles

Changing the Moistener Brush

Follow steps 1 through 8 of How to Clean the Moistener Brush, but DO NOT do step 4.


SV60951 Rev. A

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Pitney Bowes DM1000 manual Cleaning the Moistener Brush, Changing the Moistener Brush, How To Clean the Moistener Brush