Toshiba VF-A7 Restricting or prohibiting key operation,  :Panel operation prohibition

Models: VF-A7

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6.29.14 Restricting or prohibiting key operation

 Panel operation prohibition


This parameter can prohibit the operation of control panel keys to avoid operation errors. Note 1) The setting of this parameter take effects as soon as it is saved.

Note 2) Once saved, the setting of this parameter cannot be overridden unless the power is turned off or the inverter is reset after trip.


Every key operation, enabled・・・・・ (Default setting)

Every key operation, prohibited・・・・

Ex.) to enable monitor display operation and Panel operation(start/stop): Monitor display operation enabled ...

Panel operation(start/stop) enabled ... () () 

Therefore, the number you should key in to enable these functions is .

[Parameter setting]



Adjustment range

Default setting



: Every key operation, inhibited




+: panel frequency setting enabled




+: Parameter Load enabled



Panel operation

+: Monitor display operation enabled



+: Panel operation(start/stop) enabled




(+: No function is assigned)




+: Emergency stop operation enabled




: normal mode(Every key operation enabled)


Note) The LED displays "" immediately after  is set at , but it returns to normal standard mode after the inverter is reset or is locked to trip monitor mode if the inverter trips. To prohibit the read or write of parameter, refer to 6.29.1.

Canceling methods

1) Temporary cancellation

Every key operation is enabled temporarily, until the power is turned off. (Turning off the power disables every key operation again.)

In standard monitor display mode or trip monitor mode, press the key twice while holding down the ENT key

2) Permanent cancellation

[Canceling method in cases that parameters are not read/write-protected]

 is overridden permanently. Changing its setting causes the previous setting to be overridden automatically in a mode where parameters are not read/write-protected.

[Canceling in cases that parameters are read/write-protected] In standard monitor display mode or trip monitor mode,

press the key twice while holding down the ENT key

and then change the setting of  to .

Note) "" is displayed when  is called. Press the ▲ and ▼ keys to make the "" blink, then press the Enter key to save the setting.


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Toshiba VF-A7 Restricting or prohibiting key operation,  :Panel operation prohibition, Setting, Canceling methods