26 | 3Com Router 5000/6000 Family |
| Command Reference |
debugging voice
Use the debugging voice
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debugging voice dpl
Use the debugging voice dpl command to enable the debugging of voice dial program.
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debugging voice fax
Use the debugging voice fax command to enable fax debugging.
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debugging voice h225
Use the debugging voice h225 command to enable debugging for the H.225.0 negotiation messages or events.
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debugging voice h245
Use the debugging voice h245 command to enable debugging for the H.245 negotiation messages or events.
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debugging voice ipp
Use the debugging voice ipp command to enable H.323 recommendation suite module debugging.
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debugging voice r2
Use the debugging voice r2 command to enable the corresponding debugging in R2 signaling module.
Use the debugging voice r2 ccb command to view the information of the corresponding control block by specifying the E1 port number and time slot number.
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debugging voice ras
Use the debugging voice ras command to enable the debugging information output switch of RAS messages interacted between GK Client and GK Server.
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debugging voice rcv
Use the debugging voice rcv command to enable the debugging of the RCV module.
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debugging voice rcv r2
Use the debugging voice rcv r2 command to enable the debugging between the RCV module and the
R2 module of bottom layer.
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debugging voice sip
Use the debugging voice sip command to enable SIP debugging.
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debugging voice sip rm
Use the debugging voice sip rm command to enable debugging for RM module.
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debugging voice sip sm
Use the debugging voice sip cm command to enable debugging for SM module.
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debugging voice vas
Use the debugging voice vas command to enable the VAS module debugging.
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debugging voice vas fax
Use the debugging voice vas fax command to enable the debugging of fax data access between the VAS module and voice card.
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debugging voice vcc
Use the debugging voice vcc command to enable the debugging at various levels of the VCC module.
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debugging voice vmib
Use the debugging voice vmib command to enable the voice MIB module debugging.