Performance Tests – Option 011
2. Source Power Range, Linearity, and Accur acy
2Zero and calibrate the power meter. Also, set the power meter for dBm. Refer
to the power meter operating and service manual for more information on how
to do this task.
3Press PRESET, MENU, POWER, 10, x1.
4Press MENU, CW FREQ, 300, k/m. Set the power meter calibration factor for this
CW frequency (except if you are using an Agilent436A).
5Write the power meter reading in the “First Value” column on the
“Performance Test Record”.
6Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for the other CW frequencies listed on the
“Performance Test Record”.
7Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-3.
Figure6-3. Path Loss Calibration Test Setup (#2)
8Press MENU, CW FREQ, 300, k/m. Set the power meter calibration factor for this
CW frequency.