Performance Tests – Option 011
2. Source Power Range, Linearity, and Accuracy
9Write the power meter reading in the "Second Value" column on the
"Performance Test Record."
10 Calculate the path loss through the power splitter with this formula:
First Value – Second Value = Path Loss
11 Write the result on the "Performance Test Record."
12 Repeat Step 8 through Step 11 for the other CW frequencies listed on the
“Performance Test Record.”
Power range and power linearity
13 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-4.
Figure6-4. Power Range, Linearity, and Accuracy Test Setup
14 Press PRESET, MENU, CW FREQ, 300, k/m. Set the power meter calibration factor
for this CW frequency.
15 Press POWER, 10, x1. On the power meter, set the current power level as the
reference for relative power (dB) measurements. This can be d one by either
pressing dB REL on an Agilent436A, or REL on an A gilent 438A power meter