Installation at a Glance
Installation at a GlanceThe procedures in this book provide step-by-step instructions for installing
the Agilent8702D.
Be sure to verify the Agilent8702D’s performance
Chapter 2, “Automated Verification”, Chapter 3, “Manual Verification”, and
Chapter 4, “Performance Tests” provide verification procedures and perfor-
mance tests. Verification procedures are intended to provide a high level of
confidence that the instrument is operating properly. Two versions of verifica-
tion procedures are provided: automated and manual. The performance tes ts,
along with the verification tests, provide the same quality of performance test-
ing that is done at the factory. Chapter 5, “Automated Verification – Option
011” and Chapter 6, “Performance Tests – Option 011” provide verification
procedures and performance tests for the Agilent 8702D Option 011.
Agilent Technologies recommends that you verify your analyzer measurement
system every six months. Agilent Technologies also suggests that you get your
verification kit recertified annually. Refer to Agilent 85029B 7 mm Verifica-
tion Kit Operating and Service Manual for more information.
These system verification procedures do not apply to analyzers with Option 075 (75 ohm