About This Book
This book supports DEFINITY®Communications Systems Generic 3 Version 3 and later. This book provides procedures and information for installing the hardware and initially testing the DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3, Models G3i and G3s. The information in this book applies to
DEFINITY is a registered trademark of AT&T. DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 is abbreviated as G3.
This Book’s Organization
This book is organized into 10 chapters and 10 appendices. The procedures in this book should be read and followed sequentially.
■Chapter 1, "Overview and Roadmap"
Provides an overview of system reliability options and a
■Chapter 2, "Plan and Prepare the Site"
Explains how to plan and prepare the site and includes typical floor plans.
■Chapter 3, "Unpack the Cabinet"
Explains how to safely unpack the cabinets.
■Chapter 4, "Install and Connect the Cabinets"
Explains how to install the cabinets, install the power, and connect the cabinets together.
Issue 1 September 1995 xv