Power Up Switch
Power up AC-Powered Switch
1.Ensure the associated circuit breakers on the AC power panel are ON.
If the system is configured for High or Critical Reliability,
2.At the rear of each cabinet, set the circuit breaker to ON. Go to ‘‘Verify Messages.’’
This action starts the system initialization and test. All red lights on the circuit packs go on and then off.
Power up DC-Powered Switch
1.At the DC Battery Cabinet, set circuit breaker to ON.
If the system is configured for High or Critical Reliability,
2.At DC Power Cabinet, set the circuit breaker(s) on the associated rectifiers ON.
3.At the rear of each Power Distribution Unit, set the circuit breaker to ON.
This action starts the system initialization and test. All red lights on the circuit packs go on and then off. Some red lights may come back on in a few seconds or a few minutes and will be turned off by other procedures in this chapter.
Verify Messages on Terminal
1.After several minutes, verify all tests pass.
If any of the terminal messages indicate a test has failed or the message ‘‘spe down mode’’ is displayed, refer to DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3i/s/vs Maintenance,
September 1995 Issue 1