prevent overburdening the CEC/IMC Manager's warning system with auxiliary I/O state change warnings.
An output event state change will be logged with the following warning:
mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss FF MIM 1
The output number, active/inactive state, bit value, absolute state (high/low) and trigger description will match the current event's data. The possible "Trig:" descriptions are:
–Console Key Press
–Station Busy
–Select Busy
–Any Error
–Error −
–Warning −
An input event's state change warning is similar except the trigger field is not displayed.
Read and Delete I/O Event Definitions
Choose the Delete button to change the selected I/O event from enabled to
Choose the Default button to return the I/O event entry to the "default" (unconfigured) condition. If the event is enabled (sent to the CEC/IMC), it first must be deleted from the CEC/IMC. A confirm dialog box is displayed which will allow the request to be canceled, if necessary.
Read Disk
Choose the Read Disk button to view the I/O event configurations currently stored at the CEC/IMC Manager hard disk.
Save and Send I/O Event Definitions
After the I/O events are defined at the CEC/IMC Manager, the definitions must be sent to the MOM Controller Board. If the I/O event