|EQQCL52E Not possible to read the SYSIN card
|Explanation: OCL was not able to read the SYSIN DD card.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Verify the dataset specified in the EQQOCL.SYSIN DD card.
|EQQCL53E Invalid syntax:
|Explanation: An invalid instruction was specified in the OCL SYSIN.
|System action: OCL terminates
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL54E Not possible to write the control cards for PIFTEST program
|Explanation: OCL was not able to write the input control cards for the PIFTEST program.
|System action: OCL terminates
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL55E Error during the GETMAIN request
|Explanation: OCL was not able to get the storage for the PIF session.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL56E PIF initialization failed for subsystem
|Explanation: OCL was not able to initialize the OPC PIF session.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Check the OPC subsystem name specified in the PARMLIB SUBSYS() parameter or in the INIT
|instruction. If the subsystem name is correct and if the subsystem is active, contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL57E Variable name is missing
|Explanation: The variable name was not specified in the UPD or SETUPD instruction.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job
|EQQCL58E PIF TERM request failed
|Explanation: OCL was not able to terminate the OPC PIF session.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL59E PIF TERM request failed: error during FREEMAIN
|Explanation: OCL was not able to terminate the OPC PIF session.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
52 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes