|EQQCL6TE Can't have a dependency on itself: PREAPPL(
|Explanation: In the long term plan, an occurrence cannot have a predecessor with the same occurrence ID and
|input arrival date and time.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL6UE Not possible to create a new dependency: PREAPPL(
|Explanation: OCl tried to define a new dependency in an application occurrence in the long term plan, but a problem
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL6VE Operation not found:
|Explanation: Operation
does not exist in the occurrence to be modified.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Verify the OPNO keyword or the default operation number in the initialization parameter DEFOPNO.
|Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL6WE Not possible to delete the dependency definition
|Explanation: OCL tried to delete a predecessor, but a problem occurred.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Contact your IBM representative.
|EQQCL6XE Special resource name must be supplied
|Explanation: RESNAME is a required keyword.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL6YE Special resource usage must be supplied
|Explanation: RESUSAGE is a required keyword.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL6ZE ONERROR action can be Y or N
|Explanation: An invalid ONERROR keyword was specified.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Correct the instruction, then resubmit the job.
|EQQCL70E Not possible to add the special resource: RESNAME(
|Explanation: OCL tried to add the special resource
, but a problem occurred.
|System action: OCL terminates.
|User response: Refer to the messages in the OPC message log, and contact your IBM representative.
60 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes