12 Functional Descriptions 09.95
12.21 Simultaneous axes
12.21 Simultaneous axes12.21.1 Corresponding data
NC MD 5004 bit 0,1 1st or 2nd handwheel connected
SD 564* Handwheel pulse evaluation
DB32 DWk+1 bit 0,1 1st or 2nd handwheel active for the relevant axis
Simultaneous axes are axes which can be traversed at a separately programmed velocity
independently of other axes. A total of 5 simultaneous axes can be programmed and traversed
either individually or in addition to up to 5 further interpolative axes in a block of the part
program. Every positioning axis can be programmed and traversed with a separate, axis-
specific feed. A block change does not take place until all simultaneous axes and all other
axes programmed in this block have reached their end point.
Only real axes can be used as simultaneous axes. An axis is defined block-by-block as a
positioning axis during programming, i.e. in the next block, it can be traversed interpolatively
again with other axes.
The feedrate of the simultaneous axes with block end behaviour is weighted with the channel-
specific override.
Please refer to the NC Programming Guide for the SINUMERIK 840C for
information regarding programming of the SIMULTANEOUS AXES
12.21.2 Handwheel for simultaneous axes in automatic mode
Simultaneous axes can be traversed by means of the handwheel in automatic mode. This
handwheel overlay is enabled by the G function G27. G27 is a block-related function and
operates on a block-by-block basis.
All axial limitations (SW/HW limit switches, SW prelimit switch, working area limitation) remain
operative when the handwheel overlay function is active.
Handwheel pulses generated are ignored under the following conditions:
Override 0%
No handwheel enable from PLC
No feed enable from PLC
Velocity overlay (when v = 0 is reached)
Two different overlays can be programmed:
Velocity overlay
The programmed position is reached sooner or later by means of the handwheel overlay,
i.e. the velocity is manually increased or decreased depending on the direction of rotation.
The direction, however, remains unchanged; the velocity can at most be reduced to v =
Path overlay
The programmed position can be reached only manually through rotation of the
handwheel. The direction of rotation determines the traversing direction for the
programmed axis. It is possible to traverse in the opposite direction to that which is
programmed, but it is not possible to traverse beyond the end position programmed. Once
the programmed end position has been reached, a block change takes place and the axis
can be traversed by handwheel only by applying a G27 function again. The active block
can be aborted by means of axial deletion of distance to go (@736). The actual value
display of the traversing axes is continuously updated.
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